Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Well, My Decision Has Been Made.

I have decided to vote for Sen. McCain. Why? Because Wesley "the Weenie" Clark has attacked him.

Here is what Col. Joe Repya (of Eagles Nest )has to say about "the Weenie".

Listen people, I have met General Wes Clark and I can tell you he is no General David Petraeus anymore then Barack Obama is the quality of John McCain!

Oh, what did "The Weenie" say? Hear it for yourself and shudder at the stupidity. Bob Scheifer was surprised by it, too.

Isn't that nuts? I mean, where does Clark get off saying Obama WHO IS A LAWYER has been tested and tried in any way like John McCain! Or that Obama has more experience than McCain! Obama isn't running of national security strengths? Good! He doesn't have any. Too bad national security is the #1 thing the President is responsible for. Clark is a Weenie angling for Sec of State or VP. He's a snake who bombed Serbia.

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