Friday, July 01, 2005


I've been offered a partnership in the company I work for. It is nice to know I'm well thought of, and I'd love to be one of the owners, but because of the nature of the business (real estate in silicon Valley) buying into the company is very expensive. Much more money than I have.


Mimi said...

Congratulations! It is an accomplishment, even if you are unable to take the position!

existentialist said...

Congratulations on your offer. Thanks for telling me about Saint Mary Magdalene. She has really offered her self to me as an intercessor.

Matt said...

Guess what?!?!

Looks like we might have found the money to take advantage of the offer.

And thank you all for your congratulations.

Ian, if it wasn't a word it should have been. Thanks for coining it.