Monday, August 10, 2009

Home Schooling

In California, if you want to homeschool your children you have 3 choices:

1) Ignore the law and do what you want
2) Found your own charter school and maintain all the state required records.
3) Join a PSP (Private-school Satellite Program) and pay them to maintain the state required records.

We are trying to find a PSP. But they all require either 2 days attendance in enrichment classes and/or that we sign a statement of faith that we, being Orthodox Christians cannot sign. Some of them are very expensive. And they all act like we should be honored to be their customer. I don't like that attitude in restaurants, I certainly don't like it in record keepers.

1 comment:

justin said...

I got curious about what it was you couldn't sign, so I looked up the application for the Live Oak Academy PSP in San Jose and read their "Confession of Faith". I see now why you can't sign, but I found it interesting that they claim to "adhere to that most eminent of historic creeds, the Nicene Creed, as adopted in the original Greek and Latin by the ancient Church, and as used throughout the Church in all ages since...It is not our goal, as a classical Christian school, to further the doctrinal conflicts that divide Protestant from Roman Catholic, or Eastern Orthodox from Western Christians. Therefore, we have chosen the Creed of the ancient unified Church to be our corporate confession."

Um, do they know the back-story on the Filioque? Apparently not, because they included it in their version of the Nicene Creed. If you've contacted them about this, I'd be curious to know how they defended the Filioque as belonging to the "ancient unified Church." Not including the Filioque is supposedly not a big deal to Protestants and Roman Catholics (see the third sentence of the third paragraph). Perhaps they would drop the Filioque so you could sign, but apparently there is still the issue of "Enrichment Classes."

I guess in all your spare time, you could start an Orthodox PSP :)