Tuesday, August 05, 2008


See more Paris Hilton videos at Funny or Die

I know you'll think I'm nuts, but I think that a Paris Hilton candidacy would be great. Problem: The Constitutino says the president must be thirty-five and she isn't thirty-five....hmmmmm....Maybe that is okay, after all. I mean, the Constitution reguires the president to be a natural born citizen, but there seems to be some question about Sen. Obama's birth certificate.

UPDATE: Obama spokesman Bill Burton reacts: "Whatever."

UPDATE: McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds emails: “It sounds like Paris Hilton supports John McCain’s ‘all of the above’ approach to America’s energy crisis - including both alternatives and drilling. Paris Hilton might not be as big a celebrity as Barack Obama, but she obviously has a better energy plan.”

(Updates courtesy of politico.com)

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