The boys are napping. I just fed thim lunch.
Anselm had science class again this morning. They learned about some of the uses of ultraviolet light. While he was doing that, Basil and I went to the park, where we played in the sand, and played follow-the-leader. Basil thought that was the neatest game ever!
When we picked Anselm up from his science lass we did something very special. One of my wife's teachers does something (I don't know what) with the Heth Hetchy system, and that teacher gave all of her students these great big cartoon maps of the system. (For those who don't know, the Hetch Hetchy project is the most importat water system in Northern California. It brings water from high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains all the way accross the State to the people of the San Francisco Bay Area. Without it there would be no Silicon Valley, and San Francisco would be a little parched town.) Well, on this map we saw something we had never heard of before: The Pulgas Water Temple. WOW! I'm 40 years old and have lived 15 minutes away from this thing most of my life and was totally oblivious to it. So, right after science class the boys and I went to the Water Temple. All I can say is, this is amazing. The last pipe from the east comes out of that ground and you can look down into the well of the temple, drink from the relflecting pool, see the water roaring out of the pipe and into the canal that takes the water north. It is just amazing. Oneof the neat things is hearing the roaring water coming out of the well in the center of the temple while reading these words carved in the top of it: "I give waters in the wilderness and rivers in the desert, to give drink to my people" (from Isaiah 43)
While we were there some men were doing some tests on the underground machiery. They let us go down and look at the pipe. Very neat. I love California. I love being a Californian.
26 minutes ago
Check this out:
Wasn't that temple in the movie "The Rock" with Sean Connery, Nicholas Cage and Ed Harris?
In the scene where Sean Connery's character escapes the hotel to go and meet with his daughter? It sure looks like it..
But I have been wrong before, and I don't know No. Cal. at all...
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