Lately, I've been attracted to a south Asian aesthetic; clothes more than anything else. I've been seriously thinking about buying and wearing some kurtas, and I've been encouraging my wife to wear salwar kamis. But it never cooured to me that Indians would see something in western culture that they could so easily adopt. I am talking about the Infant of Prague.
Back when I was an aparment manager I had a tenant who was a devout krishna devotee. But on her wall was a poster of the Infant of Prague. I recognized the other gods on her walls but I did not know this one. I thought he was just some child-king of 17th century central europe. It never occured to me that it was a picture of Jesus. And she was shocked when I asked who it was. She was probably thinking, "Stupid American. Dosn't even know his own gods." But he looked much more like a Hindu god than the Jesus of the Bible or the Icons. It was just a strange moment.
Then a couple of days ago I was in a bead store. On one table were a bunch of little boxes containing little one inch portratis of Hindu gods. Among them, painted in the same style was the Infant of Prague.
This is so weird!!! Does anyone understand what is going on here? Do Hindus see the beautiful clothes and think, "He must be one of ours"?
26 minutes ago
Huh, I have no idea but I'm curious to read the other responses.
Hmmm, I have no idea either. But I'm a fan of salwar khamises. They are very comfortable - and fashionable.
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