I have to admit that part of the reason I think global warming is bunk is because most of the people who are promoting the theory are people I regard as being enemies of liberty and haters of humanity; people who think population control (aka abortion) and socialism are the best ways to combat global warming. But part of my skeptecism is because very prominent scientists also regard it as bunk.
"ONE of the world's foremost meteorologists has called the theory that helped Al Gore share the Nobel Peace Prize "ridiculous" and the product of "people who don't understand how the atmosphere works". (More here)
26 minutes ago
i have been a reader of yours for awhile now and i have a question for you. since you think the theory of global warming "bunk", do you not then try to protect the environment? it doesn't bother me when people don't believe in global warming, but it does bother me when people use it as an excuse to shirk their duty as caretakers to this wonderful world that God gave us. so, are you a protecter who doesn't believe there is a problem or do you believe that since you don't think there is a problem that you don't have to help or protect the environment?
Hi, Laura. Thank you for reading my blog. I'm always surprised when ever anyone tellms me they are a reader.
I don't think I am either of the kinds of people you described. I think there are serious environmental problems and I try to get the appropriate authorities to deal with them.
Since the first of this year I have written to various Administration and Congressional officials to encourage grass borders around fields where pesticides and fertilizers are used (issue: run off and natural polinator habitat), to end cotton subsidies in California (issue: water conservation and soil depletion), keep the Bald Eagle on the Endangered Species List, to ban the use of synthtic fertilizer within 100 miles of the Mississippi River(issue: Gulf Dead Zone), and the creation of sabbath years for American fiseries (issue: over fishing).
I also advocate hyper-dense development in cities and the baning of building anything on farmland that makes the land unfarmable.
Oh, but I still think globalwarming is bunk, pray for the bees in my neighborhood, and plant a grape vine everywhere I live.
it is nice to hear of the different ways people stand up for and protect the world around them. thank you for taking the time to answer my question.
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