Wednesday, May 25, 2005

My Mother

My Mother was taken to the hospital this morning. For few minutes my Dad thought she was already dead, but she was not. The doctors kept her in the emergency room for several hours but there was nothing they could do. Two valves in her heart have failed. Blood is not flowing with as much pressure as it should. It is barely flowing at all. Since there is nothing the doctors can do she is at home. When I helped her get out of the car she said, "I think this is the end now." I asked her, "Are you afraid?" She said,"No. I'm not afraid."


Huw Richardson said...

With prayers... and hugs.

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Oh Matt have our family`s prayers.
God bless and help you all.

Matt said...

Thank you all for praying for my mother and her family.

Mimi said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you, Matt.