Saturday, May 07, 2005

Kingdom of Heaven

So Ridley Scott is making a new movie about the Crusades. Apparantly the gist of it is that everyone was getting along fine in the middle east until the Roman Catholics arrived and starting killing everyone. Hmmm. Being an Orthodox Christian I have no fond memories of the crusades, what with the sackiing of Canstantinople by the Roman Catholic soldiers, and their desecration of the Hagia Sophia during the 4th Crusade. However, portyaing the muslims as peace loving kum-bay-yah types is freaking nuts.

Here is a question: Why don't we Orthodox Christians capitalize on our co-victimhood during the Crusades and use that as a bridge to evangelize the Muslims? It's not like the Roman Catholics were invading the middle east to rescue us. We were subjected to the Roman Catholics just like the Muslims were.

Oh, in case you are wondering after reading this, Islam is evil.

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