I look at other people's blogs and i think to myself, "gosh, they have really neresting things to say. All I do is put up lists of my daily activities." Oh, well. C'est la vie, Que sera sera, and Damn the torpedoes.
I was listening to a music station today, which is a very rare occurance, when allof a sudden, they played "Someone Will Think We're in Love" from the original cast recording of OKLAHOMA! It just made my afternoon. There's nothing like show tunes to pep up one's day.
My friend Jeff (who used to blog with me here) was laid off today. He has been with the same bank for 11 years and today, without warning, they closed his department and laid everyone off. Please pray for him.
I was looking for an akathist to pray for him and his family (his Dad is dying of cancer, too.) when I came across http://www.saintjonah.org/services/akathists.htm It has tons of cool prayers.
Athanasia, did great in the second interview yesterday and is doing the third "interview" tonight. She is shadowing the emergency response dispatcher at a Stanford football game. It is down to her and one other candidate. If they make her an offer they will have to do a background check. That will take through January. In the meantime, it looks like the yucky stuff I mentioned is working out. Thank you for your prayers.
I took the boys to the beach at Half Moon Bay yeasterday. I expected it to be cold and foggy, and that we wouldexplore tide pools. Instead it was warm and overcast so we got in the water. Much fun. We had calamari at a little beach side place. It was very strange. It was just heads/bodies. No tentacles, which, as everyone knows, are the best part. It makes me wonder what they are doing with the tentecles. Also, it almost made me ask for my money back. But since I didn't ask before I ordred (I will from now on) I held my tongue and tried to be thankful. I wasn't successful, but I faked it for the boys.
12 hours ago
Prayers for both Jeff and Athanasia.
Matt ~
I, for one, like your blog just the way it is. I like the daily stuff you write about, your interactions with the boys and updates on Athanasia.
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