As regular readers might know, we are homeschooling. But we are doing so under the umbrella of our local school district's Independant Study Program. So far all seems to be going okay. Today was the first field trip.
We drove to the Marine Mammal Center on the Marin headlands. It was much fun. The group of kids were all K-3. The program was perfect for them. They went out on the beach and did a prctice rescue (following all normal procedures)on an injured stuffed harbor seal. Anselm carried one corner of the cage. Later, after the rescue, transport and exam, Anselm was part of the feeding team. He got to intubate the seal.
After that we had to drive to Sausalito so I could get cash to pay the bridge toll.
Then we drove home through Golden Gate Park. It was a nice first field-trip. Anselm had fun and we are looking forward to the next one.
Also, it was nice to get out of Silicon Valley. We have had a forest fire over by Mount Hamilton for the pst 3 days and the valley is full of smoke. Can't even see the hills surounding us.
20 hours ago
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