The Handmaiden posted a quote from "The Way of a Pilgrim". It got me to thinking.
Back in 1974 a woman by the name of Laurie Klein wrote a very pretty song called I Love You Lord. It became a popular song at The Church on the Way, and spread throughout the pentecostal churches in California pretty rapidly. The song was included in Maranatha Music's Praise 4 cassette in 1980 and spread throughout the world. It really is a beautiful song and echoes parts of the Song of Solomon and some Psalms. But I always felt like a hippocrite when I sang the song. Jesus said, "If you love me you will keep my commandments". I think I might want to love the Lord. Or, maybe, wish I wanted to love the Lord. But I'm not even sure of that. As far as I can tell, I've only lived three sinless days in my whole life, and probably, if I looked harder at those days I would find sin in them. That is proof enough that I don't love Him.
What I do know is that even though I do not love Him, He loves me. And when I ask Him to have mercy He does. In fact, He pours out His mercy on me day and night, whether or not I ask for it, whether or not I think of Him, even if I hate Him. The wells of His mercy never run dry.
15 hours ago
Hey Matt,
As nice as it is to be referred to as "The Handmaiden" I am just not her, cause we all know that THE Handmaiden is the Theotokos...
The Handmaiden is also a very nice magazine with which I am not affiliated.
I am just the sinful handmaid Leah so please call me Leah.
Now I am off to listen to that song...
In Christ,
the handmaid Leah
I listened and then went and found the lyrics:
"I love you lord and I lift my voice to worship you
all my soul rejoices
take joy my king in what you hear
let it be a sweet sweet sound in your ear."
Leah it is, then.
Its a pretty song, huh? Ususally the way it is sung is with instrumentation three or four times and then acapella once. At least, that was the tradition in the pentecostal churches.
I wonder if anyone is getting my joke about "hippocrite", a hippopotamus-sized hypocrite.
very pretty, indeed.
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