A resident left her keys and wallet in her car. Both were stolen. I couldn't help with the wallet, but I changed the locks on the doors for her. I gave the old locks to her boys. As I walked away they were busy learning how deadbolts work.
I opened a clog drain for another tenant. I bought a new auger for this project. The new auger, unlike my old auger (I think it got lost in the move) can be attached to my drill and can really tunnel down the pipes is a jiffy. Very cool. I just have to squeeze the trigger and feed the line down the pipe.
Looks like we didn't trap all the cats. I have a feeling that I am going to have to be dealing with cats as long as I live here.
I've been working with Anselm Samuel on his scouting stuff. He know the Cub Scout Sign, the Cub Scout Salute, the Cub Scout Motto, and can recite the Law of the Pack. In the course of learning these various things, we had to have a long talk about loyalty: To God, to the Church, to our family, and to California, to the United States. It was very moving. This scouting stuff is very exciting. I have a feeling that if there were more people were scouts as children our prisons would have much more vacancy than they presently have.
It has been said that children are the most traditional of all people. I experienced that today. This morning before the sun came up we did morning prayers. But I didn't light all the candles. I only lit the lampada in front of the Icon of Christ Pantocrator. When we were all through Basil was sure we had done it wrong and wanted to light all the candles and start over again.
15 hours ago
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