Those are the very troubling words, from the mouth of an almost three year old, that first gave be cause for concern. Then I heard the water running. Why had I not heard it before? Well, I guess I had, but I was reading the new laws pertaining to swimming pools and rental housing (Like we don't already have enough laws. I wish the legislature would just take a five year break. I mean, the Annotated California Code is more than 40 volumes of very small print on very thin paper. Enough is enough.) and didn't really grasp what was going on. When I ran to the kitchen to see the pond I was hoping it was an exaggeration. Alas. It was not. As I approached the kitchen water squirted up from the carpet and did wet my ankles. The kitchen, the downstairs bathroom and part of the living room were flooded. Basil and I both slid and fell on the hardwood floor of the kitchen. Truly, it was a pond. Every towel in the house was used to sop up the water. It wasn't enough. I wrung them out dozens of times and kept sopping up the water. No use. We rented a wetvac and, thankfully, that did the trick.
In other news of this day, my wife found my wallet, missing since last Thursday. Of course, I reported all the credit cards lost/stolen on Saturday. O well, at least, it prompted me to get a credit report so I could get a list of all m credit cards. (I know it sounds silly, but I almost never use them, don't keep old bills, and could not remember what cards I have.) Anyway, the interesting thing about the credit report is that I discovered that American Express has mixed up my account with my late father's account. Very strange, considering he opened his account with them three years before I was born. I have to get copies of birth certificates, his death certificate, and send them to American Express to get the problem corrected.
Anselm Samuel had 2 hours of homework to do tonight. So far he has had 30 minutes to 1 hour of homework Mon-Thurs nights since the term started. I am more than a little bit alarmed by this. If this is how much home work he has in the first grade, what is second grade going to be like? Also, what are they doing from 8 to 2:15 every day? Why isn't this work being done in class? Two hours of homework! That's as much time doing homework as the whole school day was when I home schooled him last year.
15 hours ago
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