Anselm has lost his two bottom front teeth. He also moved up the waiting list very quickly and starts at the school within walking distance on Monday.
Basil has been acting atrocious lately. I don't know what it is. I don't mean he is being bad, I think he is just being two. But it is difficult. he does not walk anywhere, he hops or gallops. He does not hold my hand, he hurls himslf on the ground, which pops his elbow out of joint, and then I have to pop it back in. When I put him on the leash he cackles and runs around things and gets tangled. But he sings with me and that makes up for most of the difficulty.
I'm in my last semster of school. When I started on this program I was sure it was the right thing to do. Now that I am almost finished I ask myself, "What did I learn? Is that useful?" And I'm not sure about the answer.
15 hours ago
Being two is challenging. It also is a shadow of what 12 will be like. The hopping and galloping sounds like normal 2 year old playing behavior. The throwing himself to the ground is "tantrum like" and probably should be addressed firmly now before it gets out of hand.
Also, do not dismiss the idea that he is responding to the stress you and Athanasia feel about the management issues you are dealing with right now. Little kids act out what they feel. (But then, you're a good Dad and don't need me telling you this.)
As to the last answer, my spiritual big brother keeps reminding me that often God does not reveal the purpose for things for 7 years hence. He has a variety of ways for teaching me patience!
Hang in there!
Oh, the joys of having a two year old ! I remember it well.........
Basil was so good in Church today that I wondered where the horrible monster of the last few months was. When he got a little bored with the Liturgy he entertained himself quietly, even doing some prostrations in front of Icons. It must be that all of your prayers are being heard. Thank you for your support.
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