After dropping Anselm Samuel off at school, Basil Wenceslas and I went for a walk. We chased lizards, counted 8 wild turkeys, got within 15 feet of a doe and her fawn before they ran away, counted 7 more deer besides those two, chased ground squirrels, and then followed a bee back to its hive in a tree. That was the best part of the day.
The worst part of the day was having one of my tenants standing on my front porch yelling at me, "Nobody here likes you" "This used to be a good place to live until you moved here", etc. She even insulted Basil who answered the door with me. We immediately offered our resignation to our boss expecting him him to accept it. We were very distressed and feeling like we had no where to go and not enough money to get a new place to live. Instead, our boss told us we were doing a good job and that he wants us to stay. Apparently, the people in this position before us did not enforce the rules, and some of the tenants are having trouble adjusting to our "by the book" approach. (FYI: In this business doing things "by the book" keeps one from being sued.)
So, how do I feel now? I feel like our boss is in our corner. He likes it that we enforce the rules and do not play favorites. He likes it that we are dealing with problems that the previous manager didn't deal with. But I still wish all the tenants liked us.
Samuel is sick with a cold. I prayed the "Prayer for a Sick Person" for him and gave him some holy water. Basil wanted some, too. I'm almost out. I'll try to remember to take the bottle to church next Sunday to get a refill. I should have asked Father John to make some when he was here last week.
Anselm has memorized the Pledge of Allegiance after just one week of school. Basil is learning the Our Father - he says the last few words of each line with us as we say them - just from saying Morning and Evening prayers with us. It is hard to explain how happy it makes me to hear them saying those words.
15 hours ago
I's so sorry you are having such hassle.
Some people just don't like obeying rules, do they ? Even when it is for the good of a large number of people.
But.... comfort yourself with the facts that you are doing a good job, your boss is happy, you are enforcing the rules as you were employed to do.
If some people there don't like it, that is *their* problem, not yours.
Perhaps your boss could write to all the tenants , expressing supprt and confidence in you and asking for co-operation from all of them.
Wow, I can't blame you for wanting to resign. Your kids shouldn't have to be exposed to that. I'm glad your boss is on your side.
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