Monday, March 16, 2009

Vigil of the Feast of St. Patrick

Okay, okay. There isn't really a Vigil for the Feast of St. Patrick (or Patricius, as he was known). But there should be. And if there was it would be tonight. Regardless, we did discuss the life of St. Patrick at supper tonight. Anselm Samuel asked at one point, "How do leprechauns fit in?" (What do they teach in schools?) He was a little disappointed when I told him the leprechauns and banshees were some of the fake gods worshiped by the Irish before they became Christians. So I went on to explain the character of the Irish prior to their enlightenment: How they lived for bloodshed, and went naked into battle transformed, by that demonic power called warp spasm, but how Christ preached by Columba, Patrick and Brigid gentled them and turned them into a people of learning, monasticism, and humility. From death and nihilism to life and hope!

Anselm Samuel read the Troparion during evening prayers.

Holy Bishop Patrick,
Faithful shepherd of Christ's royal flock,
You filled Ireland with the radiance of the Gospel:
The mighty strength of the Trinity!
Now that you stand before the Savior,
Pray that He may preserve us in faith and love!

I hope you all have a happy St. Patrick's Day.

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