Tuesday, April 29, 2008


We have watched as our gasoline bill has increased from about $100 per month to about $400 per month. Additionally, there is the car payment, insurance, and maintenance. It now makes financial since for us to sell the car and move back to San Francisco. We will have to pay higher rent but in San Francisco we can live a car-free life. The only obstacle is a job in San Francisco. On Wednesday my wife has her third interview at UCSF. If you have an opportunity to pray before now and tomorrow, please, remember Athanasia.


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

Prayers for Athanasia and you all

DebD said...

prayers for you all.

Mimi said...

Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.

Matt said...

Thank you all for your prayers.
I'll let you now as soon as we hear anything.