A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast: but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel. Proverbs 12:10
Today I called my congressional delegation about the Schaivo case. All three of them, Mike Honda (D), Barbara Boxer (D) and Dianne Feinstein (D) are in favor of letting Mrs. Schaivo starve to death. Their staffs each had slightly different reposnses to my request. To each of them I said, "I think (name of legislator) should do something to save Teri Schaivo's life. It is wrong for the government to stand by and let her starve."
Dianne Fienstein's staff member said in a friendly voice: "Okay, thanks for calling. I'll pass that along to the senator."
Barbara Boxer's staff member tried to argue with me that the courts had made their decision and there was nothing the Congress can do. I didn't argue back, what would be the point? But as every fifth grader knows, Congress has the power to reverse the decision of any United States court.
Representative Honda's Staff member was friendly until I said my short little line. Then I could hear the change in the tone of his voice. He went from friendly to icy cold. He said "Okay. I'll tell Congressman Honda."
So as as Terri Scaivo starves to death all I can do is pray for her. And for us. We have wicked people governing us. Wicked people are being merciful to Terri Schaivo. God keep us from their tender mercies.
18 hours ago
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