Who will win which states?
Ron Paul shall place first in Alaska and West Virginia. (Did you know he won the most degates in Maine? I bet you didn't hear that on the news.)Romny shall place first in Massachusetts, Utah and Colorado
Huckabee shall place first in Arkansas, Tennessee and Georgia
McCain shall place first in all other states (although my precint is overwhelmingly for Romney)
I predict minimum delegate wins as follows:
Ron Paul shall win no fewer than 30
Romney shall win no fewer than 300 (taking a sizable chunk of California's 173 delegates)
Huckabee shall win no fewer than 150
McCain shall take no fewer than 450
On Wednesday morning (when I shall review my predictions) we will not know who the nominee is going to be. I am hoping that we won't know until the last day of the convention.
In other news today, February 4 is my birthday. I am 39. My wife made a pecan pie for me.
Isn't the last day of the convention concerned with the Vice-presidential nominee?
Did you get the birthday present I sent on Facebook? Not as good as a pecan, pie, I admit.
Happy, Happy Birthday to you! Many Years!
Pecan pie! Sigh. I LOVE pecan pie but think I am allergic to pecans. I may just eat it anyway!
Happy Birthday and many years!
39 eh. Meh...you're just a baby.
Predictions: CNN just reported that Huckabee took WV.
Belated Many Years, man!
Go Ron Paul! I will be voting later today for my favorite candidate who is going to lose, woohoo!
If only it will stop snowing here in Colorado, that is going to affect the numbers big time!
If McInsane, oops, did I type that out loud? MCain, who has admitted to an insane anger problem gets the nod at the Convention, look for the Dem nominee (especially if it is Billary) to unload with the "He is unstable" attacks through their minions. This ain't gonnna be pleasant for anyone. Lord have mercy!
Sol, no I didn't get it. The apps on facebook are quirky sometimes.
Mimi, thank you. And at least the bad news came from you and not the media. That makes it bearable.
Philippa, Thank you for calling me a baby. I feel quite old. My beard has more grey than red now.
Handmaid, Do you think Hillary will win the dems nomination? The way I see it, if Republicans can get out of our bad mood because of not having a real conservative running, we can easily defeat her. I worry that we can't beat Obama. My town is buried in Obama signs. If he just didn't look like Nat King Cole.... Its not fair. Why do Republican candidates have to look so... not gorgeous. :)
It was your birthday? Happy belated birthday! I love pecan pie.
Actually, I fear we are in for an Obama vs ? election and I don't know that he can be beat. Unless we have a terrorist attack right before the election, that could derail him, then folks might go for McCain if he is the nominee. Personally, I am voting conscience from now on, so I am writing in Ron Paul. It is all I owe to Caesar. I am done with parties and will be acting as fully Orthodox as I can from now on, pray for me, it will be a struggle. The Republicans are not the "Orthodox" party, no party is... politics is too much of a distraction and passion for me.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday Cousin Matt!!!! Why was I thinking March 4th (today) was your birthday! Same on me! 39???? WOW...hahaha gotta a few years yet to catch up with me. I was 51 yrs last July!
Thinking of you....
Love You
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