Sunday morning my mother-in-law died a hideous, ignoble, sudden, tragic, and unexpected death. I hope she finds peace in death that she did not have in life. My wife has been in Portland dealing with the situation since then. She just got home a few minutes ago.
Yesterday, the boys and I went to Rancho San Antonio. We saw two does and a 5-point buck. We stood about 50 feet away from them and watched them grazing for about 10 minutes. Anselm found a hive of honey bees in a hollow tree. I watched a robin skittering around in a woodpile then it hopped up on a hollow log and posed as if to say, “I can make hollow logs. What can you do?” I was hoping to see a bobcat hunting for ground squirrels, which we have seen in the past, but not today. Neither did we observe any wild turkey. But we did watch a hawk hunting. That was neat. It kind of hovered in one place for a long time then SWOOOP! Down it bolted like lightning to snatch away a ground squirrel.
1 day ago
I am so sorry for your family`s loss. May your mother in law`s memory be eternal.......
Oh my goodness, you are certainly bearing more than your share.
May your MIL's Memory be Eternal, be assured of my prayers.
I'm so sorry to hear about this. It sounds like it's been horrible. I will pray for her, you and your family.
Memory eternal.
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