Below is a snippet I pulled from Wonkette
"The LA Weekly has followed up on the Raw Story's lead and outed Republican California Congressman David Dreier, and many people are taking particular delight in it: Dreier represents a very conservative district, and has repeatedly taken anti-gay positions -- and not just your standard Federal Marriage Amendment-type stuff. According to the Weekly, he even voted against "the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program designed to give shelter to the impoverished sick, and against funding for the federal ADAP program that furnishes the poor with the AIDS meds they need to stay alive." (more)
Apart from "out-ing" closeted homosexuals (I don't know how I feel about that) the thing that struck me is that Wonkette described Dreir's opposition to HOPWA as as an "anti-gay" position. Only the humanity haters (my new name for what some call the Left) could possibly see this as having anything to do with homosexuality. It has everything to do with the rights of individuals to control their own property. And the ADAP program, Wow! She thinks that is about sex, too. It isn't. It is about the rights of taxpayers not to have public monies used for private gain.
Are the Haters of Humanity just stupid? Why do they see everything through sex colored lenses?
14 hours ago
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