Wednesday, September 29, 2004


I have discovered over the last few days that it is impossible to do homework while the little boy is awake. Blogging is easy. Working around the apartments is easy. Cooking is easy. Those don't requre though. But homework, especially, math is impossible. Today has been very difficult. He tore a page out of my math book. He insisted on sitting on me. I just gave up. He has been dancing and jumping yelling "I love daddy". I just felt like throwing him across the room and yelling "shut up and be still." (Don't worry , I didn't do it.) But I guess I'll just have to do homework at night after school while he and his mother are sleeping. This is going to be a hard quarter.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I'm glad to read I'm not the only one. I felt so bad about me feelings, though.