First, to my readers who don't care about politics, are favoring other candidates, or who my be worried that I am spending so much time on politics during Advent, let me offer a bit of an explanation. Back in the early 1980s I becme a Republican. I was only 14 but my dad fanagled a ticket for me to hear President Reagan speak to the National Association of Evangelicals. I heard that speech and believed what he said. And shortly after that I also read Reagan's bookand Bastiat's "The Law". The Speech and the books influenced me greatly. From then on I was pro-life and pro-liberty. In the 26 years since that speech I have watched my party, the Republicn Party, give lip service to the pro-life movement without actually ending abortion, when to do so is an easy thing. I've watched government and debts grow. which limit liberty. I kept holding out hope, though. They talked a good game, surely they would eventually get around to passing andsigning the bills I cared about. But in 26 years they haven't. Liberty has diminished, abortion is still legal, debts havepiled up and we have even waged anagreesive unprovoked war. I has always bothered me that the pro-lifepresidents Reagan,Bush, and Bush would not appear at the annual pro-life rallies, but would phone in their support. In 2004 I realised that G.W.Bush isn't really pro-life. And with the passage of the Patriot Act I realised that he isn't really pro-liberty. And I looked hard at the Republican candidates on my ballot in 2004 and came to the conclusion that most republicans were not pro-life and pro-liberty. Like the Democrats they were pro-lobbyist, pro-status quo, pro-what ever program their biggest campaign donors wanted. And I dind't vote for any of them. I voted my conscience instead. I figured I would never vote for another republican ever again. But then I heard about Ron Paul. And for the first time in almost four years I think that there is a chance to get some one into the OVal Office who will fight (and it will be a fight) with Congress and the monnied interests to roll back programs, end a federal right to an abortion, bring our troops home (My son is paratrroper), and begin to pay off the national debt. Mitney won't do it. Huckabee won't do it. Giuliani won't do it. Certainly no Democrat will do it. But if Paul is elected I am sure that he will do it, or go down fighting. My hope is in Heaven, but for the time being, I live here, and just as it would be a sin for an annointed Orthodox Christian monarch to abdicate his duty, I believe it would be a sin for me,a citizen in a rebublic not to be involved in politics. So, following St. Paul's advice, I am staying busy until the Lord returns.
If you are reading this on December 16, 2007 please, go to this site and help Ron Paul become the next President of the United States.
Now, here is the the article from the Washington Post about Ron Paul.
And here is a video:
20 hours ago
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