Readers of my blog are probably familiar with my thesis that cars, air conditioners, televisions, and suburbs do much to destry communities. The journalism blog Get Religion has a discussion going about fragmentation going on in the area of Protestant worship.
Back in the 1990s Pensula Bible Church had problems figuring out what style of music to have in the services. When I first started attending in 1991 they had a pipe organ (I am no fan of pipe organs unless they are playing Bach) by the time I left there 10 years later, there was no pipe organ and almost every sunday the music was provided by a really good light rock ensemble. The change was very gradual and if you didn't attend over a period of years it would not have been noticeable. Thinking about what worship should look like (including giving a lot of thought given to the re-runs of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy on EWTN) totally primed me for seeing Truth in the worship of the Orthodox Church.
Question: Is fragmentation in worship a symptom or a cause of fragmentation in communities? Or are they both symptoms of something else?
21 hours ago
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