Friday, June 03, 2011

Dream Come True

Tonight, after supper, Anselm got out his music book and recorder and asked if he could show me how to play Miss Masey, which he learned how to play in school.  I played on the ukulele.  Then he asked his mother to play on her recorder.  Then Basil wanted to play something.  First he tried the cabasa, but that took a little more skill than he was able to muster, so I switched him to the tamburine.  And then we four played music!!!  I was so happy.  The boys are asleep now.  I can hardley wait until moring when we will play again.

1 comment:

Athanasia said...

I miss these type of moments with my kids now that they are grown. I pray God blesses me with grandchildren so I can do so again. But the moments I share with my adults kids, while different are memorable.

Thanks for sharing this.