As you know, from 1997 to 2004 I was an advertising executive. And though it has been 20 years since I worked in the industry I do still enjoy a good Christmas commercial. (Raise your hand if you have fond memories of Santa riding the Norelco shaver through the snow, the ringing of the Andre commercial, or the weirdness of the Harvey's Bristol Cream ads.) In my opinion, these are the top ten English language Christmas ads of 2023, not counting ads that are promoting charities.
10. There are two ads on this list that feature slippers. This is the first of them. Macy's "For After Work"
9. Amazon "Joy Ride". The older I get the more weepy I get when I see old people remembering their youth. Amazon "Joy Ride"
8. There is no snow in this ad because the company only operates in Florida. I especially love that the dog knows where to go to get fed. And, gosh, look at that crown roast of pork!
Publix "Merry Christmas to you and yours"
7. Puppies and kittens. Enough said.
Pet Smart "Make Merry Memories"
6. Beautiful people driving beautiful cars to beautiful places to be together. Mercedes-Benz "With Love"
5. Now, it is true that this advertisement came out five years ago but I only saw it running on FaceBook a couple of weeks ago. The number one thing an ad should do is make the viewer want to buy the product. After seeing this ad I thought, "Oh, I should wear cravats." And then I thought, "Oh, those little flat hats and those slippers would be perfect for cold winter nights." And then i thought, "Crikey, I think I need everything in that ad!"
Peter Christian "Spirit of Christmas".
4. OMGosh! Is that really John Travolta playing Santa Claus?
3. If you know much about Michael Bublé you will chuckle at the little jokes in this ad. Also, browned butter. That was funny.
Asda "Career Change"
2. "Who gives presents to Santa?" It is the question that launches a mother daughter giving trip. Boots "Give Joy"
1. A friend of mine, a very old woman named Charlotte had dementia. At Christmas parties she would sit someplace quiet in the house. I would sit by her at those parties and let her talk about things and people I knew nothing about. She died in 2023. This ad made me think of her and the Chevy Suburban, one of the best cars ever made in America.
Chevrolet "A Holiday to Remember"
21 hours ago
1 comment:
I've had your post open for a couple of weeks now and finally had a chance to look at all the links. I hadn't seen a TV ad in many years -- maybe ten years! I was surprised at how inoffensive these you picked were. But I didn't love them. I didn't even "love" the last one, but I broke down sobbing before it was half done. Thank you, Matt.
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