It has been pretty difficult here since June. I think I mentioned the water leak, the destruction of the kitchen, part of the living room, part of a bedroom, a bathroom, and the living room. I haven't mentioned fighting with insurance companies that don't want to pay what California conractors charge, (The smallest bid was more than double what the insurance companies were willing to pay, one contractor was kind enough to go line by line and explain this bid to the insurance companies - they only wanted to pay $2,000 for demolition when just the dumping fees would be more than $1,000), then the contractors were, except for one guy who did the demolition and another guy who did mold abatement all too busy to do the work until October. But last week they put in the sheetrock. And this week they are painting. And next week they are putting in the floors and cabinets. And finally, we will get a new oven: The oven I ordered in June. Kathleen has been relentless and amazing in this project. We don't know when the bathroom will be done.
Last weekend we went on a hunting trip to Mendocino County. It is 30,000 acre forest that is part of the Golden Ram Sportmans Club system, and we had it all to ourselves. It was amazingly beautiful. We were looking for black bear and wild pigs. We sawo no signof pigs but we found a big blackberry patch near a stream with much bear sign. I think we would have come home with a bear but the dog did not know how to be quiet. So we are going back on Friday without the dog. We saw lots of elk, white tail deer, and very fun for Kathleen, a flock of wild turkies crossed a road infront of us. It was her first time to see a turkey fly. I think Kathleen wants to move to Hopland or Laytonville now. I saw here looking for teaching jobs up there on EdJoin.
23 hours ago
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