Friday, February 12, 2021

Late January and Early February

Anselm, San Francisco Bay
Duck season Don Edwards ended on January 31.  Before the end of the season my son Anslem and I went out shooting a couple of times.  I lost my license and federal duck stamp so the last couple of times I didn't shoot.  But Anselm did and he had fun.  He cooked one pintail breast but but didn't like it.

duck breast

My birthday was fun.  Kathleen, her kids, and my kids threw me a surprise party with liver from Original Joe's and  carrot cake from Nothing Bund't Cakes.

Work is still not great.  Because of the government's covid response I am getting very few hours at Bass Pro Shops and I've only had one substitute assignment since October.  I've been applying for other jobs but not getting them.  So, I've gone back to school. I think I mentioned taking a waste water management class from Evergreen Valley College this time last year.  This year I decided to jump in with both feet and enroll at Gavilan College full-time.  Their waste water program is much better than Evergreen's and it is, because of Covid, all on online.  

The green houses Kathleen put on the front porch are doing amazing.  We will have to start transplanting soon.


gretchenjoanna said...

Original Joe's is a place I'd like to eat someday! I think this is where "Joe's Special" of spinach, mushrooms, ground beef and eggs etc. originated? I love that dish.

I need to get things started in my greenhouse!!

Matt said...

Yes, Joes Special is from there. I was told by someone that it was originally intended for people who had hangovers. I dont know if that is true.