Tonight in confession the priest said to me, "Sometimes you just have to cut it off and start over at the beginning. Like a computer that stops working: You turn it off and turn it on again." When he said that I thought of three things:
1. St. Serephim of Sarov using the Paschal greeting "Christ is Risen" all the time, not just on Pascha,
2. St. Symeon the New Theologion's teaching that we we have to constantly be intouch with God and renew the effecaciousness of our Baptism (I didn't say that exactly the way he said it.), and
3. Andre Crouch and the Disciple's singing their 1974 hit "Take Me Back".
The first time I remember hearing this Andre Crouch song it was in the mid-1970s in the church my Dad pastored in Palo Alto. My Mom sent me downstairs (we lived in apartments above the church's fellowship hall) to get my brother. I found him in the church listening to this song very loudly on the church's PA system. I think I was 8 years old. I don't know why he was using the church's PA system; we had a big console stereo upstairs.
20 hours ago
That's a very good point, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy, Lord have Mercy.
Sorry I'm a bit of a late-comer to this post. When my dad pastored a church in the late '70s and early '80s that was in a store-front about a block away from our house. I used to play my CCM very loudly on the church's PA system when I did the weekly cleaning and setting up chairs. The florist on the other side of the breeze block wall didn't always appreciate this.
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