For the last few week I've been telling the litte boy the Story. I mean THE Story. Ever since he was born I've been telling him that God made the moon and the sun and the bees and the trees, etc. He knows that that it gets dark at night because God makes the sun go down. But as I said above, last week I began telling him the story. So far we are through the six days of creation, the planting of the Garden in Eden, the making of Adam from dust, the naming of the animals, the making of Eve, the temptation and fall, the horrifying conversation. ( "Adam where are you?" "Who told you you're naked?" "Dust shalt thou eat".) Each night I tell a little bit more than I told the night before.
He can tell it with me now. I'll ask "what happens next?" He'll say "she eats the pretty tree". Or I'll ask "what work does Able do? " He'll answer "takes care of animals". And boy, you should here him describe the cherubim's flaming sword. All I said was that it was a flaming sword but the little boy has added all kinds swooshing and roaring of sound effects. It is very dramatic.
Saturday night we got to the part where God banishes Cain and Seth is born. The little boy said, "This is a sad story." I said, "Yep".
"Does it get happy?"
"Eventually, but first it gets sadder before it gets happy."
"When is it happy?"
"When Jesus comes".
I asked"Do you know what Jesus does when he comes?"
He excitedly answers"Tramples down death by death and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!"
"Yep, that's what he does. That's when it gets happy."
So we stopped telling the story, sang a few songs, and he fell asleep.
Tonight, when I asked him if he was ready for me to tell more of the story he said, "Just the happy part."
21 hours ago
Beautiful writing Matt! How is your son? Post a picture. So what is the significance of being naked before God? Not to be suggestive, but that is a spiritual state that I am experiencing and I do not understand it at all.
Philippa - how did you tell the story to your kids? I remember one time when I was supposed to teach the flood to a class 3 year olds (a class of 35) at Penininsula Bible Church one mother asked me to leave out the part about God killing everyone. After giving it about 2 minutes of thought I decided to tell the story as written. I guess the woman didn't want her son to think of God as the heavy. But sometimes he is the heavy. To the right of the Royal Doors is an Icon of Jesus. His face is very stern. But his hand is raised in blessing. Our sin is serious. But he loves us. He wants to heal us.
Olympiada- I only have cold dry words to answer your question. I think there is a woman named Maggie Doss in your parish. She is the wife of Deacon Brendon. She has the answer to your question. She can help you turn your nakedness into incandesence.
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