Friday, October 25, 2019

Water Temple and Pumpkins

Anselm at the farm

Basil wore his plague doctor costume
I had my 90-day review at work tonight.  They said I am doing well and will keep me on.

Yesterday Anselm and Basil and I went to Bob's Pumpkin Farm over by Half Moon Bay and then to the Water Temple.  It was their first time at the Water Temple since they were little boys but we go to the pumpkin farm every year. Anselm says he is planning on moving to Texas or Alaska next spring when he turns 18 so I suppose this will be his last year to go to the Pumpkin farm with me.

We each got a pumpkin for carving and I got two for cooking.  I still have two out in the garden that are almost ready to pick.

Each each year since 2006
The Water Temple


GretchenJoanna said...

I hadn't heard of the Water Temple and your link only brought me back to this post. I searched for it and assume it is the Pulgas Water Temple?

GretchenJoanna said...

And, which job gave you the review? the Bass Pro shop?