Wednesday, April 24, 2024

A Skillet

My 3rd son, the little boy, came home from the North Pole last week. He eloped with his fiance (I think there must have been some pressure from her side of the family about how/where to have a wedding.) and is now a married man. He brought his wife up to visit. I gave them Fr. Lawrence Farley's book about marriage and the square cast iron skillet my grandmother gave my mother on her wedding day. On Saturday we went to dinner at Flemmings (It's not very good. What crazy person puts sugar in Brussel's sprouts?)) with him, Basil, Athanasia, and his new wife Tiffany. On Monday Anselm and Tiffany went golfing with my wife and her son. I had to work. Anselm and Tiffany are going back to San Diego today.

1 comment:

Gretchen Joanna said...

Your tag of "little boy" took me back 20 years !! on a captivating story-ride ... I nearly forgot that I have other things to do today.

I wish more young people would elope, if necessary, rather than live together for five years and spend a fortune on a wedding that by that time signifies little concerning marriage itself. Many Years to Anselm and Tiffany; it's radical that they wanted to get married. <3