Last night my god daughters and their parents came over. It was a grand good time. The kids made lanterns out of glass jars, and they made fairies out of pipe cleaners and artificial flowers. They seemed to have a lot of fun. We mulled wine and cider.
Today after dropping Athanasia off at work and the boys off at school I was able to go to church for about an hour. I was present for the end of Matins and the 1st half of the Divine Liturgy. Then I had to leave to go to an appointment with a physician.
She said I'm doing better and the hole in my leg should be all healed in two more weeks if I can keep infection at bay. I'm doing my best.
Athanasia made blue popcorn balls, in honor of the Theotokos' feast day today. She is the best mom.
23 hours ago
glad you're healing up, however slowly. Blue popcorn balls! What a great idea.
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