* Prop. 8 received 2,150,000 MORE votes than did Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was reelected in 2006
* Prop. 8 received nearly 2 million MORE votes than Dianne Feinstein did when she was reelected to the US Senate in 2006
* Prop. 8 received 250,000 MORE votes than did John Kerry when he carried California in 2004
* Prop. 8 received 45,000 MORE votes than did Barbara Boxer in her landslide reelection to the U.S. Senate in 2004
* Prop. 8 passed with approximately the same percentage of the vote that Barack Obama received nationally
The Attorney General of California has decided to fight the will of the people. That is he has filed an argument with the Supreme Court of Californa urging it to overturn Propostion 8. He is saying that it doesn't matter if the people of California vote. He is saying that because we are stupid the unelected judges and legal experts should make our laws. I say that idea is treasonous. Where is the petition to recall Jerry Brown? Put the pen in my hand and let me sign it.
21 hours ago
>"I say that idea is treasonous."
Was slavery treasonous? Was inequality for women treasonous? Was child labor treasonous? Was lynching blacks treasonous?
Would you say that when we (I'm a Greek Orthodox) let Protestants define Christianity in the USA, thats treason? The KKK claims to be Christians. Neo-Nazis say theyre Chrsitians.
Sometimes the majority can be wrong. American law protects all people by granting judges and legal experts the privilege to silence hatred and injustice even when the majority demands evil and sin and death.
How can we Orthodox deny Jesus Christ and forfeit the Gospel for bigotry and intolerance and hatred?
P. S. You like the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus? Like the music but hate the musicians? LOL
Mr. Stavros, I do not think you understand what treason is. Treason is...
1. the offense of acting to overthrow one's government or to harm or kill its sovereign.
2. a violation of allegiance to one's sovereign or to one's state.
3. the betrayal of a trust or confidence; breach of faith; treachery.
The Attorney General has acted treasonously by attempting to put another will above that of the supreme legislator of California, that is the People of California. (See definition 1 above)
Furthermore, he has acted treasonously by working in opposition to his duty to defend the Constitution and Laws of California. (see definition 3 above)
I grant that majorities can be unjust. I've seen it many times. (I actually listed several examples of when I think majorities were wrong in the original post.) But correcting injustices or errors in voters' judgment is not the job of the judiciary.
Perhaps you know this story about Judge Learned Hand, the greatest and most influential American judge never to sit on the Supreme Court. One time a man saw him on the street and called out to him, "Do justice, Judge Hand. Do justice." To which Judge Hand answered, "That isn't my job." What he meant by that is that a judge's responsibility is to apply the law as written. You see, Mr. Stavros, Judge Hand knew that the supreme power in the united states lay with the political branches, that the Judiciary is merely ministerial.
The power to correct the mistakes of the majority lies with the next majority. If you think about it, it has to be this way lest we fall into tyranny and/or civil war. For if judges take away the power of the people to peacefully make law that is tyranny. And if the people rebel against that tyranny, which we Americans hold is a right, then there is blood. No one wants that.
You used the word bigotry, and though it is a word I have read or heard on a few occasions, it is not a word I have ever used nor really understood. So I had to look up the definition of bigot. It is "a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion." To which all I can say is that identifying something as error is not the same as being utterly intolerant. I would think that in the case of homosexuals, utter intolerance would require their extermination, which is not at all what I or God wants.
In addition to bigotry you used the words hatred and hate. I think you mean to say I hate homosexuals. I hate homosexuals a little bit more than gluttons and a little bit less than drunks, which is to say, I do not hate homosexuals at all. But if you define adhering to the teaching of Jesus and his Apostles (e.g. marriage is for one man and one woman & homosexual desire is wrong, see Matt. 19 and Rom. 1)) as hatred there is nothing I can do about that.
Finally, regarding the S.F. Gay Mens Chorus, if I stopped liking beautiful things because their makers are sinful, I would have to stop liking everything made by man. We are all fallen, Mr. Stavros. The image of God in all of us is marred.
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