I have been worried about Proposition 8 being defeated at the polls. (For my readers outside of California here is some history.) Several years ago the people of California voted to affirm our historic legal tradition that only people of opposite sex can be married. We did this by passing a referendum by a 61% majority. Unfortunately, all the referendum did was create a statute. A few months ago the Supreme Court of California ruled in a 4 to 3 decision that the statute violated the Constitution of California. Now there is a new proposition, Proposition 8, to amend the California Constitution so that it overturns the Court's ruling and returns the law to its former state, meaning that only heterosexual marriage will be allowed in California. In just a few weeks we will vote on this proposition. It hasn't been looking good. Many powerful politicians, including the Attorney General and the Governor have been working for the defeat of the proposition. It is now being reported that it looks like Proposition 8 will pass. I am so relieved.
Now you might be wondering, "Why is Matt relieved? How can anything homosexuals do harm the institution of marriage?" I am not worried about anything the homosexuals do. I am worried about wat the law does. Plato taught us that the law's first job is to teach people right from wrong. It is a powerful teacher. Even my own son, when he asks me why he can't do something says, "Is that a law?" I didn't feel strongly about Proposition 8 (divorce is more damaging to marriage than homosexuals pretending to be married ever will be) but now, because of Anslem Samuel's looking to the Law to form ideas of proper behavior it is becoming more important to me that California Law be consistent with Divine Law.
1 day ago
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