To them who confess with word, mouth, heart, and mind, and with both writing and icons the incarnate advent of God the Word,
(Eternal Memory 3x)
To them who acknowledge in Christ one Hypostasis, with different essences, and attribute to the one Hypostasis both the created and uncreated, the visible and invisible, the passible and impassible, the circumscribable and uncircumscribable; and then who apply on the one hand, to the Divine essence uncreatedness and the like, and, on the other hand, acknowledge with word and icons that the human nature has the other attributes accompanying circumscription,
(Eternal Memory 3x)
To them who confess... the incarnate advent of God the Word...: This was the whole issue. It wasn't about pictures per se. It was about whether or not God became real touchable and seeable stuff.
To them who acknowledge in Christ one Hypostasis, with different essences...: the manishness of Jesus did not fade way, was not burnt up by the Godness of Jesus. He remained one Person but with two deifferent essences. We can not say, "Yes, yes. Jesus is the God-Man but he was really essentially God." No, he essentialy is God and he essentially is man. If he is otherwise he is not the Christ.
(Eternal Memory 3x): Here the whole Church prays that God (who else has an eternal memory?) remember in His kingdom those who confess this doctrine
21 hours ago
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