This morning I took out the tomato vines. There were lots of green tomatoes but the days are too short and cool so they weren't getting ripe. I planted garlic in their place. Then I emailed an assignment to a professor. I am taking a break from grad school now until I finish this internship. Lots of paper I have to write while doing it. No way to work on a masters degree at the same time.
Last weekend we harvested most of the squash and took those vines out. Parsnips, carrots, and radishes were planted in their place. There is still one acorn squash and two spaghetti squash ripening. Maybe another week before they are ready to pick.
The potatoes were a bust. After all that care we just got 9 little potatoes. I think it is because I used store-bough potatoes for seed. I heard they spray those with a hormone to keep them from reproducing. In the spring I'll make sure to use seed potatoes from a nursery and not just buy them at the super market.
Basil Wenceslas, Kathleen, her kids, and I are going to Half Moon Bay today to get pumpkins; we always go here. Maybe you, dear reader, remember seeing the picture from when my boys were little. I made a picnic for us. Sharp white cheddar and romain with homemade curry mayo (cumin, carlic, tumeric) on baguette, braeburn apples, San Pelegrino, potato salad (my sister's recipe. I'll post it later.), some of the pickles I made back in the summer, and for desert Daelman's caramel bites.
After that we are going to vespers in Felton. I am so excited about this. It will be the first time in months and months since my boy has been in church. I worry and pray so much my lips are wearing out.
Well, it is time to go get in the car and drive over the hill.
18 hours ago