I will start with the most difficult things first.
One of my sons has spent a month in mental hospitals. After the divorce he fell into deep depression. He gained 60 pounds in one year and only laid in bed. His mother took him to a psychiatrist who put him on Prozac. But Prozac is dangerous for kids. It wasn't long before he began hurting himself. Then he tried to cut off his hand. THank God his brother was there and was able to wrestle the knife away from him. He spent a week in a mental hospital run by the Seventh Day Adventists. And another couple of weeks in a a facility owned by the Masons (Say what you want about their weird theology, they do try to help children. I am thankful.) to make sure his medications were working. He has been home since Great and Holy Wednesday.
Both of my youngest sons are supposed to start working on the Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting's Alpha-Omega Award program with out priest tomorrow. There are two other Boy Scouts in the parish. They are all going to work on it together.
Pascha and Holy week were very different for me this year. First of all, I had a son confined. His brother and I made Paskha at my girlfriend, Kathleen's house. (more about here later, maybe) but because of my work schedule and their school schedules, and my lack of a kitchen (I live in a truck) we were not able to make kulich. So I bought one from my parish. (Some of the women bake kulich and sell them as a fund raiser for the parish.).
The only services I was able to attend this year were Bridegroom Matins on Monday, Matins and Liturgy for Pascha (Kathleen went to this with us. I think "Christ is Risen" has become her favorite song.) and Liturgy on Bright Monday. I hope next year that I will be able to attend more services.
About half way through Lent my truck's ignition failed. It doesn't run. And two days ago my car's transmission fell apart. So, I am depending on the bus to get to work each day (I am staying at my sister's house while she and her husband are on vacation all this month.). Oh I must tell you about a car related struggle. I am homeless, technically. At first I tried to buy insurance on my vehicles, explaining that I live in one of them and park them both on the street. Not one company would sell me an insurance policy. Which means I can't register my vehicles with the state. And that means my license plates are expired. So, I decided to lie and say I live somewhere and have a real physical address. The hoops I am having to jump through are nuts!!! the insurance companies all want two picture IDs, copies of utility bills, and copies of bank statements. Well, I can give them one picture ID, no utility bills, and copies of bank statements that are mailed to a P.O. box. Gosh, I've already paid the taxes to the state for these vehicles, it seems to me that if the state is going to require me to buy insurance they ought to make it easier to buy insurance.
In other news, I have decided to try and finish my M.A. in history. I only have until January to finish it. I began the research on my thesis today. I also have to take two more courses. It is a lot of work but I think I can do it.
I have begun taking the tests required to be a history teacher in California public schools. So far, I have passed two, am waiting on results for one, and still have one more to take.
I am still working at the YMCA, but I am looking for something that pays more money. These car problems have convinced me that I need to be making at least double the money I am currently making. I'm just not sure how I am going to do that.
12 hours ago